Company Profile
Workers Compensation

NEW YORK,   NY 10022

Workers' Compensation Complaint and Requests for Action Contact Information

Part 1: Complaints and Requests for Action (CRA)

If you are seeking information about your workers' compensation insurance policy, or if you have a dispute with your insurance carrier about how its rating plan was applied to your policy (e.g. a dispute about a classification assignment or experience modification applied to your policy) you must first submit a Complaint and Request for Action (CRA) to the workers' compensation insurance company using the address below.

Phone Number:  212-901-1162  Ext:
FAX:  646-219-0674
WEB Address:
Company Contact:  Meagan Gorman
Mailing Address:  399 Park Avenue, 3rd Floor
 New York    NY  10022
Contact Notes:  

Part 2: Appeals to the Department of Insurance

You may appeal your workers' compensation insurance company's written decision on your CRA to the Insurance Commissioner. Mail your appeal to the CDI's Administrative Hearing Bureau, 45 Fremont Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. You also must mail a copy of your appeal to your workers' compensation insurance company using the address below.

Phone Number:  212-901-1162  Ext:
FAX:  646-219-0674
WEB Address:
Company Contact:  Meagan Gorman
Mailing Address:  399 Park Avenue, 3nd Floor
 New York    NY  10022
Appeals Notes:  

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