Company Profile
Company Complaint Information


Company Performance
In compliance with California Insurance Code § 12921.1, the California Department of Insurance conducted a Consumer Complaint Study of all admitted insurance carriers. The company performance table provides the complaints determined by the department to require that corrective action be taken against the insurer, or leading to insurer compromise, or other remedy for the complainant, those that are found to be without merit, those with other outcomes, and justified complaints. Justified complaints often require additional review, as violations of California insurance laws may exist.

Year Closed Complaints
(TOTAL of Categories 1-3)
Category 1:
Complaints found to require corrective action, leading to insurer compromise, or other remedy for the complainant.
Category 2:
Complaints found to be without Merit.
Category 3:
Complaints with Other Outcomes
Category 4:
Justified Complaints
2022 7 3 3 1 0
2021 6 3 2 1 2

Violation Study

The following table represents number and type of violations found, by reference to the line of insurance and law allegedly violated.

Year Line of Coverage Law Section Summarized Description of Law # of Alleged Violations

If complaint data does not appear for this company, this link will provide you with an explanation.
To view the California Insurance Code (CIC), Click here
To view the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Click here

Comparison Data

The information below is for complaints closed during the study period for this insurance company. The table provides the Justified Complaint Ratio, Market Share, Complaint Share, and Index for this company, grouped by the line of coverage the company was authorized to sell in this study period.

Year Line of Coverage JustifiedComplaint Ratio Market Share Complaint Share Index
2023 Workers Compensation .00 4.439 .00 .00

If complaint data does not appear for this company, this link will provide you with an explanation.

Last Revised - December 03, 2007 11:57 AM
Copyright © California Department of Insurance